Best Flux Prompts for Mythology images

Find the top AI prompts and generate stunning images with Flux's AI art search engine.

i want poseidon with his wife antifrite and his children

i want poseidon with his wife antifrite and his children

artemis with bow and arrow and dark hair, athena with spear and shield and helmet and dark hair, aphrodite with shells and red h...

artemis with bow and arrow and dark hair, athena with spear and shield and helmet and dark hair, aphrodite with shells and red h...

a young priestess, sitting, she places a harp larger than herself in front of him and plays it, playing a large lyre, ancient gr...

a young priestess, sitting, she places a harp larger than herself in front of him and plays it, playing a large lyre, ancient gr...

a zodiac picture with a lion on the left, a virgin in the middle and a scale on the right

a zodiac picture with a lion on the left, a virgin in the middle and a scale on the right

various gods meeting around the globe

various gods meeting around the globe

zeus and aphrodite marijuana

zeus and aphrodite marijuana

half face of goddess titans cronus and rhea

half face of goddess titans cronus and rhea

the myth of orion、goddess hera、scorpion

the myth of orion、goddess hera、scorpion